Wind tower is a key element in traditional architecture of Iran. It is seen in settlements in hot, hot-dry and hot-humid climates. They look like big chimneys in the sky line of ancient cities of Iran. They are vertical shafts with vents on top to lead desired wind to the interior spaces and provide thermal comfort. This architectural element shows the compatibility of architectural design with natural environment. It conserves energy and functions on the basis of sustainability principles

One of the three cities (the others are Isfahan and Shiraz) on the famous triangle tourist trail of Iran, Yazd is pretty different from the other two. In fact, it stands out as a different destination in the whole of Iran and that is what makes this city special. It’s desert like environment, its wind towers (or wind catchers), its deep rooted history with Zoroastrianism, its importance on the ancient silk route, its affinity for sweets, its mud buildings and narrow alleys, it’s beautiful architecture and/or its friendly people, Yazd is truly special and that is why it is one of my favorite cities of Iran

Dowlat Abad garden is a beautifully designed historical garden.
There is an old building there having magnificent windows and also smart design and also the tallest wind catcher. Wind catcher is an smart piece of architecture designed by Iranians including a tower to direct the winds inside the house. It was used to moderate the temperature inside the buildings.
There are tall tress and also a long pool with lots of fountains making wonderful views for taking photos.
The water coming to the garden was provided by a Qanat, the underground canals devised by Iranian to bring water to specific place and has been deployed especially in Iranian central areas

Whether you visit Yazd for its desserts, rich Persian architecture, its deep-rooted history with Zoroastrianism, its desert landscape or its cheerful people, you are bound to fall in love with this easy going city. And while you there, don’t miss the opportunity to lose yourself in its narrow alleyways with mud buildings and wind catchers.